Sunday, November 23, 2008


I found some animal print fabric in my stash and decided to make my grandson's Halloween costumes. Malachi was the cutest cheetah but it was too hot for him. Caleb's side teeth grew in just in time so we switched him to a vampire. He was uncharacteristically solemn at Wee Witches in Gardner Village. I never did get a pic of his fangs and no, that is not white make-up on his face!

We missed the big day with Daxton, but I have never seen a cuter zebra. I had to do a bit of guessing on the size so thanks to Megan and friend for altering it. Milllie is the reason we missed Halloween in Vegas. Born October 29th in 1 hour 40 minutes, weighing 5 lbs 13 0z. She is beautiful.


Nesting with Grace said...

LOVE that you have a Blog! I love the profile painting that Mike did...can he do one of me??? I need that on my blog :)
Can't wait to see all the fun things you do! My mom said she wants to see pictures of your house, you are already getting requests!

Am-Biance said...

So happy you joined the darkside of the blogging world Les! I cannot wait to see all of your fun posts... You are such a talent and so creative!!